The word "Guaranteed" is almost magical in our culture. Everybody wants one for almost every aspect of their lives.
Folks want automobile and appliance guarantees, warranty guarantees, job guarantees, health care guarantees, retirement guarantees, investment guarantees, cost of living adjustment guarantees and even relationship guarantees ... in other words, they're looking for rock-solid assurance and a promise of performance.
But for a guarantee to work as described, some one else must stand behind that guarantee and make good on it ... no matter what the cost or expense to make things right.
Ever listened to a friend complain about their marriage or relationship?
He just doesn't take my feelings into account. She thinks the whole world revolves around her. I always have to adjust my schedule around his. She just doesn't know what I go through at work. The list of grievances is almost unlimited ... and each one feels entirely personal and unique.
It's funny, hearing folks of both sexes whine and complain about their relationships, how seldom they'll voluntarily admit and include even a hint of the areas where they have, in their partner's estimation, fallen short and proven themselves to be inadequate and equally disappointing: the focus is always on Me Me Me.
When folks are angry in their relationships, the frustration and indignation feels justified because their needs and expectations aren't being met or fulfilled.
Which often seems reasonable enough reason to start looking for a new relationship ... hopefully one that'll "make and keep me happy."
I was thinking this morning about "all the times God has let me down" in my life and guess what? I couldn't name a single one. Truly.
The times when it seemed like he'd turned his back on me turned out to be the very times I'd decided to do a little "fine tuning" ... and elected to pursue my own choices and direction instead of his.
I had to face that I've let God down a lifetime number of times more than he's ever let me down ... and he's never complained or ridiculed me ... which made me realize God loves me and has been far more willing to make our relationship work than I've been.
God keeps his word. Guaranteed.