Are you thinking "Aw, come on ... bringing our prayer group up to date on brother so-and so's latest shortcomings, or spending an hour on the phone speculating about sister so-and-so's sexual sins, ain't really sinning"?
After all, gossiping (or brainstorming with others about how much the pastor makes) is Fun.
The sinful part is, we're commanded not to do it. Don't roll your eyes or argue with me; I'm not the one who said it.
"But but but ... there's some things people need to know."
But nothing. No matter how important the latest "news" seems. Gossiping is a sin.
Can you imagine Jesus waiting until Peter walked out of the room, and then turning to the apostle beside him and whispering, "You know that guy's gonna betray me three times before the cock crows, don't you?" or telling John "I'm not sure what it is, but I've got a suspicion Thomas is a doubter"?
Christ didn't gossip ... and we're sinning any time we think we can get away with spreading dirt, filth and lies over another person's name or reputation. No matter how much fun it seems like at the time.