Sunday, May 3, 2009

Get rid of those filthy flu bugs and germs!

- a quick follow-up to the previous post ...

Research shows flu germs can live on money for three days

Flu season is upon us and, while you may be doing your best to keep germs away, you might be surprised what's putting you at risk of getting sick. If you’re one of many people who’s been dealing with a case of the flu lately, you may have to look no farther than your wallet or an automatic teller machine to place blame.

Until now, medical experts only thought the flu was transmitted through the air. Now there's proof the virus survives on paper.

"We know obviously when someone coughs and covers his mouth and then touches other things, the flu virus may be on for some period of time,” said Dr. Marc Tribble, an infectious disease specialist.

"Whether it’s pieces of paper or dollar bills at the bank, you got to be aware that sick people may be passing around the virus,” he said.

For crying out loud, can the news of this new health-associated risk possibly be any clearer?  Cash is filthy, germ and virus-ridden stuff.  Get rid of it ... and tithe heavy.