For some folks faith is a matter of personal preference and convenience, amounting to a kind of open-ended negotiation to get the "best deal" from the Creator.
Like playing Let's Make A Deal with eternity.
"God, here's what I'm willing to sacrifice, this is how far I'll go and here's a list of what I'm agreeing to do. Now spell out your counter offer and itemize your terms. Show me you're eager to have me on board. Show me you're motivated and interested in my participation by giving me your best offer up-front."
But faith in the risen Christ doesn't come with options, deferments or with any stipulations attached.
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You can buy into a theology or a philosophy, and you can even buy into a lie and a lifestyle, but you can't, and no one can, "buy into" becoming a believer and following Christ.
You can't buy into becoming a Christian because Jesus paid the price for our sins by shedding his blood on the cross and dying in our place: Grace means salvation is God's gift to those who believe and put their faith in Christ.
God didn't leave faith up in the air as "undecided," "I don't know," "maybe," a whim, "when it suits me," or in any way subject to personal preference or negotiation.
Compared to the burden Christ carried for our sins, who are we to think we're in any position to make demands, seek concessions, petition for arbitration, sulk, argue, storm out and slam doors, change churches or claim that "Times have changed," or that "Faith is too hard" or "God expects too much," "Makes too many demands" or that "God just doesn't understand where I'm at right now in my life"?
God understands exactly where you are right now in your life ... do you know where you are right now in your eternity?