There's one group who acts like they're saved: they love being important and are proud to have God on their side. This group believes God's thrilled to reward them for their righteousness.
The other group's lives show that they're saved: they love their neighbors and are humbled daily by Christ's sacrifice. This group is thrilled to serve God and praise him in his righteousness.
One group worships by dressing up their bodies, singing hymns and stresses the importance of "doing church the right way"; the other group worships Him, believes the church is His body and in the importance of doing right ... without stressing.
One group suspects, and loves finding fault with others; the other group forgives, and keeps no record of wrongs.
One group says "Sorry, we're full", closes their doors and then frets about church business and defeat; the other group expects joyous victory and to see hell's gates stamped "Closed" and "Gone out of Business."
One group is focused on rules and pointing out the sins of others; the other group is focused on the gospel and sharing it with others.
One group can't wait for Christ to return and send all those wicked sinners to hell; the other group can't wait to fall on their knees before Christ and thank him for forgiving their wickedness and for saving them from hell.
One group believes Christ's behind them in every situation; the other group believes in following Christ, no matter what the situation.
One group says that Jesus belongs to and works for them; by their works, the other group shows that they belong to Christ.
Woe to those who go to great depths
to hide their plans from the LORD,
who do their work in darkness and think,
"Who sees us? Who will know?"
to hide their plans from the LORD,
who do their work in darkness and think,
"Who sees us? Who will know?"
- Isaiah 29:15
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
-2 Corinthians 4:6