Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Guess what I lost? Guess what I can't?

(Originally written May 3 2009 10:53AM)

Remember the old expression, "You'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders"?

Well, I'm that guy.  I wouldn't call myself forgetful, I'd call myself something else ... I just forget what it is.  Ok, so how forgetful and absent-minded are we talking about?

- How about forgetting to add water, and then wondering what's taking Mr. Coffee so long to start brewing?  (This happens at least once a week.)

- How about trudging all the way from my boat to the marina gate (almost 400 yards),  and then realizing I left my key fob back on the boat?  (this proved to be such a painful lesson, I've only done it once.)  Er, twice.

- How about buying groceries, and then forgetting to make sure all the frozen stuff goes in the freezer?  (most every time)

- How about forgetting to turn off the filtered-water faucet when re-filling my water jug?  (See, unlike a normal kitchen sink, sinks on boats don't have overflow outlets ... unless you're counting the floor & carpet.)  Yep I've done this twice, or maybe four times ... I don't remember.

I have the gift of misplacing things, too.  

Now you might be wondering, "How on earth can you possibly lose or misplace stuff when you live on a boat with no more floor space than a medium-sized elevator?"  I don't know the answer; I just know I can't find stuff when I need it.  Ever.

Losing stuff you need is aggravating beyond description, so I've got no problem admitting that the old saying  is true: I would lose my head if it wasn't already attached to my shoulders.

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Sure makes me glad that in his grace and mercy God offered me salvation, and made sure I can't ever lose or misplace it.  And that his love guarantees I'm permanently attached to him.