Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sharing the harvest

... News from Arusha

I was once again humbled this week by the “Macedonian” type faith of II Cor. 8.  I went to a Masai village with one of our Masai church members.  The aim was to set up a meeting that will involve games for children and youth, as well as a night time showing of the Jesus film IN the language of the Masai.  

As we sat under a tree with hot sun blistering down outside of the shaded area, but cool breeze making it extremely comfortable “in” the shaded area, we talked about their life.  The rains have not been enough, and their corn is dried at half mast with little or no fruit.  Their water has dried up too soon for this season, and they are having to buy water from ox carts, that is hauled from many kilometers away.  

The situation is very tough.  YET.., as I left, three different Masai families gave me some of their dried beans that they were able to harvest earlier.  In my heart, I did not want to accept, knowing what a sacrifice it was for them to give me this gift.  Yet, culturally, I dared not deny them the “blessing” of giving me those beans.  I smiled, and thanked them profusely for this showing of respect to me as their guest.  It will be very easy  for me to remember these people in prayer in the days ahead.

I trust you will have a good week, and may God bless your corn crop!
Yours in Arusha,
Vernon and Mary

Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. 
- 2 Corinthians 2:8